04.07.2024 - Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Konzert im LIVESTAGE in Innsbruck

Maintaining urgency, authenticity and integrity has never been an issue for New York City’s hardest, and hardest working band, Madball.
Twenty-five years along as a recording and touring entity, MB brings forth its ninth aural chapter, For the Cause; a signature collection of lionhearted, groove-laden, street-level New York Hardcore as only Madball can bring it... !!!
As for Madball’s astounding longevity in the hardcore game:
“We don’t know how to do anything else at this point.
We raise our families to the best of our ability;
we do Madball to the best of our ability...
So far so good, and we don’t feel that we’ve reached our full potential in either of those areas just yet.”

is an Mexican Band representing Latin America, 6 Mexicans and 1 Panamanian.
First off, we know about war not like they do in other places of the world.Here, its an never-ending war against narcotraffc, against corruption and big corporations, against inequity and poverty.
A war against each other over land, or a neighborhood, war over a color or a hand sing, even terrible wars are being fought inside our heads every day in this conflictive world.
Our Guerrilla doesn’t have firearms on it, this guerrilla is about unity, about embracing each other as an equal and fighting together against everything that oppresses us...
I watch your back and you watch mine, our music attacks as a liberating weapon because even it’s made our of anger it is also created with the our hearts, with the most powerful weapon in the world, love!
See you in Europe this Summer to continue growing our Guerrilla



Event Informationen

Beginn:19:00 Uhr
Eintritt:€ 29,00
Adresse:LIVESTAGE Innsbruck
Andechsstraße 67a
6020 Innsbruck
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